Elder abuse is often hidden and can be hard to identify. If you suspect someone is being abused, help is available. The Elder Abuse Response Service is a free, confidential service staffed by experienced Elder Abuse Practitioners.

We provide this service across the greater Waikato area, Hauraki, Coromandel and South Waikato 

What is Elder Abuse?

As many as one in ten older people in New Zealand will experience some kind of elder abuse.

Any act that causes harm to an older person is elder abuse, including:

  • Psychological abuse – for example, threats, humiliation or harassment that causes feelings of distress, shame or powerlessness
  • Financial abuse – for example, illegal use of someone’s money or assets, or being pressured to change a will or sign documents
  • Physical abuse – including any physical harm or injury
  • Sexual abuse – including any non-consensual sexual activity
  • Neglect of any kind, whether intentional or unintentional
  • Not providing food, housing or medical care
  • Institutional - any type of potential abuse in an aged care facility

At its most extreme, abuse may be criminal – but it can also be more subtle. In most cases, people experience more than one type of abuse.

Recognising Elder Abuse

It can be difficult to identify elder abuse – people may not understand that what’s happening is wrong, or they may be afraid to speak out.

Abusers are often someone the older person depends on for support or care. They often live with the person or are someone close to them – a family member, friend or a neighbor.

Watch out for:

  • Fear of a particular person or people
  • Worry, anxiety or irritability
  • Depression or withdrawal
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Shaking, trembling, or crying
  • Rigid posture
  • Expressing helplessness, hopelessness or sadness
  • Reluctance to talk openly or letting others speak for them
  • Avoiding contact with a specific person (or refusing to make eye contact or speak to them).

Older people can be more at risk of abuse if they:

  • Are in financial hardship
  • Have poor health
  • Suffer from mental illness or dementia
  • Depend on others to help them take care of themselves or get around
  • Don’t have friends or family close by, or have conflict or dysfunction in their family relationships
  • Have older or adult children or dependents with a disability or health issue

What happens when you contact us?

When you contact our team, you will be contacted by an Elder Abuse Practitioner.

The practitioner will:

  • Contact you to discuss your situation
  • Work with you to make sure you are safe and help you manage the risk of abuse or neglect
  • Identify and work with other organisations who can help and support you, including police, health providers, lawyers, banks and government agencies
  • Work with you to address any other concerns you have and/or provide you with information on other supports available to you

Reaching out

  • If you’re concerned that someone is experiencing elder abuse, consider talking to them. The sooner you reach out, the sooner they can get help.
  • Contact our Team to discuss how you can support the person you are concerned about.

If you think someone is in danger, call 111 and ask for the Police.

For information on the National Elder Abuse Response Service 

Elder Abuse Response Service | Te Tari Kaumātua (officeforseniors.govt.nz)

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