Who are we?

Age Concern Waikato is a lead organisation in the greater Waikato, area that connects, supports, empowers, celebrates, and respects all older people in an inclusive community. We are committed to promoting the wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people.

With an emphasis on promoting health, safety, and independence, and alleviating social isolation, vulnerability, and elder abuse. We have a tradition of being flexible and readily able respond to both the varied and specific needs of our community.

Each year we receive thousands of requests for help and information ranging from those simply seeking advice and guidance to providing dedicated support to some of the most vulnerable older members living in our communities.

Our organisation also works to inform local bodies and organisations on issues of concern for older people, ensuring older people are heard and represented in their communities.

We are fortunate to have generous community support and a group of volunteers also working alongside our paid staff. We are partly funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Age Concern NZ, however many of our services depend on such support continuing by way of memberships, grants, donations and legacies.

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